Emergency Dentistry

Emergency Dentistry services offered in Astoria, NY

Seeking emergency dentistry services in Astoria, NY? Look no further than Kalemi Dental P.C., where Rigels Kalemi, DDS, and our expert team are dedicated to providing fast and effective relief when you need it most. With same-day appointments available, we act swiftly to address your urgent dental concerns and alleviate your pain. Contact our office in Astoria, New York, to schedule an appointment or simply text us for immediate assistance. For less urgent matters, you can also book online through our reservation portal.

Emergency Dentistry Q & A

What is emergency dentistry?

Emergency dentistry encompasses a range of services designed to address urgent dental issues promptly. From extractions to tissue repair and root canals, our team is equipped to handle various emergency dental needs to protect your oral health and prevent long-term damage.

Do I need emergency dentistry?

If you’re experiencing sudden injuries, persistent tooth or jaw pain, bleeding gums, broken dental appliances, or other urgent dental issues, it’s essential to seek emergency dental care promptly. Our team will assess your condition and provide the necessary treatment to alleviate your discomfort and restore your oral health.

Does emergency dentistry require sedation?

While sedation may be necessary for certain emergency dental procedures, such as immediate surgery, not all treatments require it. Our specialists will evaluate your medical history and allergies before administering any sedation to ensure your safety and comfort during treatment.

How long can emergency dentistry services take?

The duration of emergency dental services can vary depending on the specific procedure needed. While some treatments, like replacing a broken bracket, may be completed in as little as 30 minutes, others, such as surgical procedures, may take longer. Rest assured, our priority is to work efficiently to address your dental needs and relieve your pain promptly.

For more information about our emergency dentistry services in Astoria, NY, contact us to schedule an appointment or book online through our reservation portal. Trust Kalemi Dental P.C. to provide you with the prompt and compassionate care you deserve during your time of need.

Kalemi Dental

Services We Offer

At our practice, our primary aim is to understand each patient’s unique requirements, ensuring personalized care for everyone who walks through our doors. Our warm and welcoming team treats each patient with care and dignity, offering top-tier services such as dental implants, teeth cleaning, gum treatments, and more. With us, you can trust that your dental health is in capable hands. We prioritize patient comfort, customizing treatments to suit individual needs. Our comprehensive range of services encompasses regular dental exams, orthodontic treatments, and cosmetic dentistry options. Experience exceptional dental care tailored just for you at our practice.







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