
Extractions services offered in Astoria, NY

Tooth extractions are a crucial aspect of dental care, especially in cases of severe decay. At Kalemi Dental P.C. in Astoria, NY, Rigels Kalemi, DDS, and our skilled specialists offer comprehensive extraction services aimed at enhancing oral health and reducing the risk of disease. Contact our Astoria office today to schedule your appointment with our experts, or conveniently book online through our scheduling feature.

Extractions Q & A

What is involved in a tooth extraction?

A tooth extraction, also known as dental pulling, is a surgical procedure to remove a tooth from its socket. It’s typically performed when other treatments like crowns or fillings are insufficient to address the dental issue. While it may seem daunting, tooth extractions are common procedures in dentistry and are performed safely by our experienced team.

When is a tooth extraction necessary?

While we prefer conservative approaches whenever possible, there are instances where a tooth extraction becomes necessary to safeguard your oral health. You may require extraction due to severe tooth decay, fractured or impacted teeth, advanced gum disease, excessive crowding, or dental injuries. Our specialists thoroughly assess your condition and explore all treatment options before recommending extraction.

Does tooth extraction require sedation?

To ensure your comfort during the procedure, we offer various sedation options for tooth extractions. Sedation helps minimize pain and anxiety, making the process smoother and more comfortable for you. Whether you prefer nitrous oxide or other forms of sedation, our team will discuss the options and tailor the treatment to suit your needs.

What are the benefits of tooth extractions?

Extracting a tooth offers several benefits, including preventing the spread of bacteria and decay that could jeopardize your oral health. Additionally, it can alleviate pain and discomfort associated with severe infections or dental issues. By removing problematic teeth, we aim to improve your overall quality of life and prevent further complications.

Discover how tooth extractions can benefit your oral health by contacting our Astoria, NY office today to schedule a consultation. You can also take advantage of our convenient online booking system to reserve your appointment. Trust Kalemi Dental P.C. for comprehensive dental care tailored to your needs.

Kalemi Dental

Services We Offer

At our practice, our primary aim is to understand each patient’s unique requirements, ensuring personalized care for everyone who walks through our doors. Our warm and welcoming team treats each patient with care and dignity, offering top-tier services such as dental implants, teeth cleaning, gum treatments, and more. With us, you can trust that your dental health is in capable hands. We prioritize patient comfort, customizing treatments to suit individual needs. Our comprehensive range of services encompasses regular dental exams, orthodontic treatments, and cosmetic dentistry options. Experience exceptional dental care tailored just for you at our practice.







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